Sunday, December 25, 2011

The Diet Solution | Carbs -- The Diet Solution Program CARBS - Not all carbs are created equal - Your body needs carbs to function properly CARBS that WILL NOT help you burn fat : - Whole wheat bread - Whole grain pasta - So called "health" cereals - Whole grain crackers CARBS that WILL help you burn fat : - Sprouted grain bread - Rice - Spelt - Millet - Quinoa - Sweet potatoes - All fruits and vegetables To learn more about The Diet Solution, please visit :

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Monday, December 19, 2011

Parrotlets bistro millet--4 weeks old

babies are 4 weeks old & have been nibbling on seeds, millet, veggies sprouted seeds. They are wanting to perch too. I know baby #1 is a litttle chunky but he will lose some weight when he starts to fly soon :p Bowie is talking in the background trying to get my attention.

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Thursday, December 15, 2011

The Top 5 Harmful Substances Found in Your Food

!±8± The Top 5 Harmful Substances Found in Your Food

If you need to enhance the flavour of food using artificial chemicals rather than herbs and spices, there is something seriously wrong about that and it begs to wonder why you would want to put such things into their bodies.

Of course, there are more than five harmful substances that are found in foods but I wanted to concentrate on these five because they are the most common.

In no particular order, my top five are:


Out of all the substances, for me personally, this must be the worse. This is not to say that some (additives)) are better than others, but there really is no need for this in food, there really isn't.

The process of hydrogenation is to heat up liquid oil to high temperatures so it becomes a solid fat. Manufacturers claim this enhances the taste and 'mouth feel' of the foods they produce as well as extend shelf life. This very process changes the chemical structure of the oil and turns it into a 'trans fat'.

I recall reading a newspaper article a while back where a university professor said that there are no health benefits to hydrogenated oils. In fact, he could not even measure how dangerous they would be to the human body so we are better off avoiding them all together.

Indeed, hydrogenated oils have no health benefits whatsoever. It is no better than eating plastic. Your body cannot process plastic so how it is supposed to process hybridized oil is anyone's guess.

A few years ago, one high street chain made the decision to omit hydrogenated oils from all their own brand label foods. I was very pleased when I heard this and I wish other supermarkets would follow suit.

The main foods to look out for are: burgers, pizzas, fast foods, powdered soup and sauce mixes, cakes, pastries, desserts, cookies, some breakfast cereals, crisps (chips), chips (fries), non-dairy alternatives (cream etc.) and many non organic processed ready meals.

Fast food joints that sell fried food are best avoided because you have no idea how often they change their oil. The more the oil is re-heated and re-used, the more oxidised it gets - basically, more and more free radicals are created. Free radicals is like rust in the body and if you do not consume anti-oxidants (found in fresh whole foods particularly fruits and vegetables) you could be setting yourself up for some serious health problems in the future.


What surprises me about white sugar is that it is found in foods you would not expect it to be in. I have lost count the amount of times I have been shopping, picked up a product, looked and the label only to find sugar as one of the ingredients.

A few years back, one of my favourite snacks was oatcakes. When out shopping, I wanted to buy my usual pack of oatcakes but they were out of stock, so I looked at the supermarkets own label alternative. I could not believe it when I saw sugar as the third (or forth) ingredient. I thought why? Why was it necessary to add sugar to a product when it clearly was not needed? Answer? It is a cheap bulking agent and adds to the taste (supposedly). This is why supermarkets can boast about their produce being cheaper - they add cheaper ingredients and less of the real stuff.

Most mornings, I see kids going to school gorging themselves on sweets (candy), chocolate, cans of fizzy pop, and packets of crisps. What happened to a decent breakfast? These kids must be a nightmare by the time they get to school.

Consuming high amounts of sugar in any form not only depletes minerals in the body (especially) calcium but also causes blood sugar problems. When too much sugar is consumed, calcium is extracted from the skeletal bones to buffer the acidic effects of too much sugar circulating in the blood. This can lead to thinning of the bones, thus leading to osteoporosis.

Blood sugar problems are not the same as diabetes, but if it is not regulated, this is exactly what it can lead to. Constant blood sugar disruptions can cause a number of symptoms including sleepiness, lethargy, tiredness and cravings for sugary products.

White refined sugar can be found in just about every processed food you can think of, even in savoury products such as tinned (and/ or fresh) soups, processed sausages and pies, pizzas, burgers, bread and slimming products! Now you know why you have trouble managing your weight.

Now the market is crowed with decent alternatives such as agave and yacon, you can still get your sweet fix minus the side effects. You can also use fresh and dried fruit as sweeteners for making desserts and in baking.


One thing I will never understand is why manufactures spend money stripping all the nutrients away from whole grains, turning it into a pure white substance with no nutrients then fortifying their foods with inorganic vitamins and minerals. It's baffling!

White flour, like white sugar is found in a countless array of foods - again all processed. I've lost count of the number of times clients have come to me and say they are trying to cut out wheat because they are having a hard time digesting it. This really does not surprise me considering it is found in just about everything you can think of, even salads, salad dressings and roast potatoes!

White wheat flour has become a staple in the Western world and people will consume it several times per day without even realising. They may think they have a varied diet but if you break it down into a list of ingredients, the main items on the list will be white flour, white sugar, fat and salt.

Like white sugar, white flour will deplete our body of nutrients. Why? Because it contains no nutrients your body then has to draw on its own reserves and if those reserves are in short supply, you are heading for trouble.

Your body need nutrients to function at an optimal level. If these nutrients are not there that is when we start having health problems. Over time these (health problems) become more chronic especially if we continue to eat the same suboptimal foods. You wouldn't put diesel in your car if it takes unleaded petrol would you? Of course not! Your car would splutter to a halt in a very short period of time. But that is what you are doing to your body when you consume white flour products. The only difference is that your body will start showing signs of ill health.

Another thing you will notice about white flour is how sticky it is. Now just imagine that sticking to your insides, because that is what happens. Gluten is the substance responsible for this and the first three letters says it all - GLU add an E and we have glue!

Just imagine, for breakfast you kick start the day with toasted glue, add a good spread of hydrogenated fat and perhaps some sugar (jam)...hummm, nice! That will keep you fighting fit and performing at your peak won't it?

There are plenty of alternatives out there so there it is possible to avoid foods that contain white refined flour. The best whole grains to go for are those that are stoned ground e.g. wholemeal, spelt, rye and kamut. Further, you can replace whole grains with non gluten alternatives such as millet, coconut, potato, rice and hemp flour. With whole grains, the nutrients stay intact. Alternatively, you can sprout most of these grains and eat them as they are or homogenise them, mix with herbs and spices and turn them into delicious nutrient dense crackers.


I have never been a big fan of fizzy drinks. My mum never bought any home when she went shopping so this translated over to me when I moved away and started doing my own shopping. Before I knew any better, the only time I consumed fizzy drinks was when I went out for a meal (I didn't drink alcohol much) or some other special occasion, so it was no big deal to stop drinking it all together when I started studying nutrition.

Fizzy drinks are not only high in sugar (everyone knows that) but they are also high in phosphorus. Phosphorus is a substance that is very good at leaching calcium from bones because calcium is required to maintain the blood pH homeostasis. Phosphorus is also highly acidic and upsets the balance with potassium. This along with a high intake of dairy is what probably contributes to the highest levels of osteoporosis in the Western World.

Fizzy drinks again are empty calories. They contribute nothing to your health except extra calories. No wonder the rates of childhood obesity are reaching epidemic levels. Further, more and more children are being diagnosed with type two diabetes. Up until a few years ago, this was an adult onset health issue - not any more.


Let's make this really simple - the word artificial says it all. If it isn't natural, why put it in your body?

A 1970s study showed that aspartame caused brain tumours in rats and life long consumption increases the risk of cancer. Aspartame has also been shown as having a direct effect on brain chemistry. It can pass through the blood brain barrier and cause all sort of problems and has even been linked to food cravings. So if you are on a diet and consume 'low fat' foods that contain aspartame but you have cravings all the time, this perhaps could be the reason why.

Food colourings, emulsifiers, flavourings, thickeners and preservatives - what benefit do any of these have to your health? The only reason so many foods contain these unnecessary chemicals is for preservation, to extend shelf life and enhance taste but this can be easily done with herbs and spices. Most people ignore what they cannot understand and buy it anyway. Also, many may not question the extra additives in the food they buy because either they are unaware or if they are aware, they don't care. If someone doesn't care, it tells me they don't think much of themselves...they don't think they are worth it and that's a shame.

If a substance is not from the earth, then it is man made and if it is man made, then it has no place in the food we eat.

The upshot of all this is that these substances do not contribute anything to your health because they are devoid of nutrients.

I am hoping for a world that eventually rejects what food manufacturers are producing and go back to how we used to live many years ago - producing our own food and relying on each other for support and resources.

When this will happen (if ever) is anyone's guess, but I would like to think it will one day.

The Top 5 Harmful Substances Found in Your Food

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Friday, December 9, 2011

Why You Should Quit Eating Grains

!±8± Why You Should Quit Eating Grains

Humans spent many millions of years evolving into the incredible specimen you look at when you look in the mirror every morning. Most scientists say that for at least the last two million years modern humans and their ancestors have been human. For the past 2 million years humans have had pretty much the same diet, so you might say that the "normal" diet, the one he evolved eating, and the one that sustained him for his entire existence, was a constant. All of that began to change about 4000 years ago and about 50 years ago, and that change rapidly increased in rate. So you could say that for 99.5% of Human's existence Human ate the same diet, and only for 0.025% of Human's existence has he eaten the modern Western human's combination of foods so many of us today consume.

If you were to travel the world looking for groups of people who were in great condition, in great health, and were strong and fast, you'd find that the majority of those groups are the remaining hunter/gatherer tribal groups scattered around the globe. Scientists now acknowledge 84 separate tribes still living this lifestyle. These people are stronger, faster, and more resistant to disease and physical damage than you and I. Even though these people live in different parts of the world, they share a common trait, their diet.

The ancient hunter gatherer diet has been come to be known as the Paleolithic (literally meaning "the old age of stone") diet, or sometimes the stone age diet or even the cave man diet. This diet is decidedly simple. It consists of meats, fish, eggs, fruits, green vegetables and root vegetables. Many of these foods were eaten raw, or if cooked, only cooked enough to kill the surface bacteria and render them safe to eat if they were a bit older or on the verge of going bad.

About 4,000 years ago, agriculture swept the world. Interestingly, it sprang up all over the world at just about the same time. The primary products of agriculture at that time were grains. Wheat, rice, millet, corn, barley, oats, and beans were the ideal crops for that time. They allowed people to weather long droughts since dried rain seeds could be stored for a long time with little care. Humans could now travel carrying their food and start new colonies since the seeds are readily planted when he arrived at his destination. Grains also have a high caloric value for their size.

The main thing that brought about the revolution in grains was the invention of cooking. In their raw forms grains are toxic. They will make you sick if eaten in large quantities. In small quantities, they are designed to pass through the system of animals to be deposited elsewhere in a pile of dung. Consider a fruit, such as an apple. If a horse eats the apple, it eats it whole. The flesh of the fruit is digested, but the seeds, being toxic cannot be digested and some time later, those seeds get expelled from the horse's body and end up in a pile of horse manure - the perfect fertilizer for sprouting apple seeds and adding nutrients to the soil needed by a young apple tree seedling. The apple has increased its chances of procreating by evolving toxic seeds.

Cooking kills some of the toxins in grains and breaks down their fibrous shells so that they can be digested. While they can be digested doesn't mean that they're a natural food that a human has adapted to consume. In fact the opposite is true - we have not adapted to consume grains.

Birds and other creatures adapted to eating seeds, have special enzymes in their digestive tracts that break down these chemicals, Humans do not. While cooking can reduce these chemicals, it cannot eliminate them.

Another downside of consuming calories by eating grains, is that grains contain very little value in terms of macro-nutrients, that is vitamins and minerals so essential to Human's health. As compared to the rich source of vitamins in green, leafy vegetables and fruits, grains are nearly devoid of vitamins. They're empty calories.

Another event that occurred about 50 years ago, was the rush for milled grains - WHITE bread, WHITE rice, peeled, fluffy WHITE mashed potatoes - suddenly grains had to be white. What the milling process does is remove the tough cover of the grain to allow it to be cooked faster and have a softer, prettier result. The husk of the grain and the peel of the potatoes contain dietary fiber, which has an extremely essential role in regulating the body's use of the food you eat.

The main food value of grains is their content of carbohydrate. The word carbohydrate in Greek is the word for sugar. Carbohydrates are just that: sugar. When you eat a carbohydrate the body immediately converts that molecule into sugar that is easily absorbed into the system. When your body takes in sugar, it is transported into the blood stream and its presence stimulates the release of hormones that decide what to do with the nutrients. The main hormone determining the use of the energy is insulin. If your body gets what the body perceives is an excess of sugar in the system, the liver generates lots of insulin that chemically direct the body to store the energy away as fat for later use.

Storing away excess energy windfalls is a millions of years old survival mechanism. Think about it, you're a cave man in the ice age. In the autumn, with a quickly approaching bitter winter, you come across a huge surplus of calories in the form of sugar, fruits that ripen and become sweet in the fall. You gorge yourself on whatever you can collect. Your body, sensing that this is a time of plenty, rushes to stash away this energy for the upcoming hard times of winter ahead.

Now milled grains have the exact same effect. They act as pure sugar and your body rushes to store away the excess energy. This is one of the main causes of obesity in the modern world: not fats, but an excess of processed carbohydrates. It's not the burger or the lettuce and onion in a Big Mac that makes you fat, it's the bun and ketchup (nearly half sugar) that do it.

The presence of fiber with grains, regulates their conversion into sugars once in the system. If you eat grains with high fiber content (whole grains) they are dissolved much more slowly than if you eat processed grains. The liver doesn't detect a huge surge of excess sugar in the blood stream, so doesn't pump as much insulin into the system telling it to store away the nutrients as fat. It allows you to use the nutrients immediately. Have you ever experienced a mid-morning or mid-afternoon slump when you feel like taking a nap? Well, I bet you had a high carbohydrate breakfast or lunch a couple hours before. Your body has stored away all of that energy you ate as fat and now you're low on energy for your body to use. If you had eaten a low carbohydrate meal, or a meal with moderate carbohydrates and lots of fiber, that slump would not have occurred. You would have ample energy in your system to keep on going, and going.

Shocking the system with huge amounts of carbohydrates, especially refined carbs, causes all sorts of health hazards, but the two biggest are obesity and diabetes. It is well documented that type 2, adult onset diabetes is a result of a poor diet, one high in sugars and refined carbohydrates. Many other diseases are related to poor nutrition and obesity, especially the two biggest killers of all, cancer and heart disease.

The modern human's diet of sugars and refined carbohydrates is killing us. Of that, there is no doubt. If you want to be slimmer, stronger, faster and have more energy, and be more resistant to disease, a return to the natural diet your body was evolved to consume will go a long ways to bringing you there. Bringing out your inner cave man is not a complex task that forces you to shop in specialty stores and eat strange foods. In fact it's pretty simple. You can walk into most any every restaurant and order a cave man diet meal right off the menu (with a little tweaking.) Even many fast food restaurants can accommodate you.

So if you want to be healthier, slimmer, and have more energy, stop eating white grains. This means wheat bread, pasta, cereal, rice, potatoes, and so on. Switch to vegetables. A big pile of steaming broccoli, spinach, cabbage, or squash will give you more nutrition with less calories. They're a lot better tasting too. If you must eat grains, eat only whole grains. A brown rice pilaf, European pumpernickel bread or cooked azuki (Japanese red beans) is far, far better for you than that bagel, doughnut, or pizza slice.

Your bathroom scale will thank you, as will your waistline, blood pressure, heart, liver and endocrine system.

Why You Should Quit Eating Grains

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